When Do I Need New Tires?

Honestly, knowing the exact time of when you need new tires or trying to figure out a distinct time frame for how long your tires last is far-fetched. However, there are many indications to be aware of that prompt you to get new tires. Quite simply, as a tire continues to take on more mileage it gradually begins to get more unsafe. The primary purpose of tread is to divert water from under the tire, to increase traction and to deter hydroplaning on slick roads. As tire tread adds on mileage, its reliability decreases. Tires become entirely dangerous when they’re worn down to 1⁄16th of an inch. However, it is recommended you don't wait until that point to get new tires, especially when driving in adverse weather conditions. There are numerous elements that factor into the longevity and mileage of a tire, subject to:

  • The climate
  • It’s design
  • Driving habits
  • How you treat your tires
  • The road’s environment

How to Tell If It’s Time for New Tires

Tire alignment will aid your tires in performing to the best of their abilities and increase their lifespan. Thus, alignment should be thought of as equally of importance to the upkeep of your tires. Improved handling and the prevention of the pulling of your vehicle in one direction are other favorable effects that tire alignments gives you. If you are worried that your tires aren’t aligned or just want to check to make sure, come get it checked as soon as possible.

Other Factors

There are still many other factors contribute to the determent of tires that are often out of your control, which includes weather cracking and sidewall integrity. As tires either age or are exposed to extreme weather conditions, the rubber begins to lose elasticity and cracks appear on the surface. Some cracking might not mean you need new tires, but if you notice a lot of splintering, it's a good idea to take your car to a tire shop where a professional can help you determine if you need new tires.

Time for New Tires? Call Us Today!

Regardless of the amount of time and care you put into your tires, there are still other elements out of your control that effect your tires. If you live in an area with jarring weather conditions or your tires are starting to age, the elasticity begins to get loose and cracks appear along the outside. Small cracks shouldn’t cause for any worry, however if you begin to see a reoccurrence of splintering you are definitely going to want to take your car into a shop to get your tires further examined.